The Liberated Educator
Dee Lanier and Ken Shelton are brothers, intellectuals, and equity-enthusiasts, just having regular conversations about things that matter to the culture. For the record, we're not late talking about these issues, you just may be late in hearing it! Find us on X: Ken Shelton: @k_shelton Dee Lanier: @deelanier Brian Smith Sr: @BrianRSmithSr
The Liberated Educator
Community, Power, and Transformation
It's the #Bonnerville episode that we have been trying to get done for a while! Ken and Dee sit down with Michael Bonner and mix it this CPT convo to address:
C: Community - The desperate need for it.
P: Power - That needs to be created.
T: Transformation - What we all need to go through
Michael Bonner is A teacher infusing innovation into education by focusing on SEL and critical thinking. Teacher - @ronclarkacademy International Speaker - @premierespeakers
Music: The Musical Hermit